Monday, January 9, 2012

oh how fresh this feels

Long time no see!

It's been awhile hasn't it? I have not shared anything since last year, wow! I hope everyone had a fabulous winter holiday because I know mine could not have been any better. A new year means new goals and new resolutions. Perhaps I will share 7 things that I would like to work on so that I have some good luck for a change. Just kidding I do not believe in luck, I just use it as an expression. You wish me good luck on a test? You implied I did not study? (Don't worry I say the same) Anyway, here we go!

1. I will maintain a legitimate sleeping schedule. 
    I have failed so hard at this, especially during winter break, and I really felt how detrimental it can be to your daily life. I would fall into a deep slumber around 2-4am each night (or day), and would arise anew around 11am-1pm. There goes my day, my health, and my social life. I had to work around it and improved to sleeping around 12-1am and waking at 10-11am, 9am if I had to. How am I going to try to reverse this? I am taking a 6:55am weight training course on Monday/Wed/Fri and taking a History class 8am Tues/Thurs. I will set a goal bedtime of no later than 11pm. It will be a tough challenge that I am willing to tackle. I am actually somewhat of a morning person; I can get up and be wild if I want to, but the fact that everyone around me is almost always dead, I feel dead too. Mob mentality..

2. I will use time effectively 
    Well I realized I spend a lot of time doing nothing.. nothing productive at least. Facebook, myspace, google +, yahoo, facebook, you get the gist... Time wasters and stuff I should be gleaning over less. That also means little to no napping. I was not used to the early morning festivities, so I took a nice 2 hour nap after my weight lifting class. I hope that is the last time I do that. I am sure 15 hours a day can take me far if I use it wisely. It is like living life, don't waste it. This also means I will actually read my textbooks that I purchase because the bookshelf can only make it look so pretty. Maybe that should be another resolution in itself..

3. I will capture more snapshots 
    Recently I have been bawling over photography since I got a nice point and shoot for Christmas. (s95 yeah baby). Sometimes I don't capture life's greatest moments, and sometimes I don't need to, but sometimes they do slip into the back of my mind. I would like to create some sort of comprehensible photo story of some sorts. Maybe not a daily photo journal (maybe for next year), but routine shots that can chronograph my life (not a watch, cool huh?) Nothing too special, but I am interested in manual modes and experimenting with pictures after I buckle down the basics. I will place my trusty s95 into my left pant pocket and snap away at life's offerings. Camera phones are nice but that's kinda like using my toilet paper as tissue paper; it can do the job but it can not do it better than a dedicated device. It really doesn't matter how it is captured though, as long as the moment is captured.

4. I will laugh till the world ends
    When the world ends, I want to die laughing. That will represent all I have lived for. I will continue to be the laughable crazy kid that everyone thinks is weird but really isn't (Actually I may have to take that last statement back as I do not judge myself). Life is a lot better when I am surrounded by happiness and you don't even need to ask how I know. I will keep it that way this year and spread the smile to many other subjects I may run into.

5. I will keep my enemies close, but my friends even closer
    I just lied. I have no enemies. At least not on my behalf. I love everyone. Hate is bad, I don't know how to hate. It is something I wont ever learn how to do. I am starting to find out who my real friends are though, and it would be nice to keep in touch with them over the airwaves. I really hope that earth's magnetism doesn't shift so that we can still use cell phones and internet. Oh how much we depend on technology in this day and age. I wonder how the primates did it back in the day.

I try to rekindle some lost friendships, or be aware of people who don't like to be around me. I will surely avoid them to keep them happy. I will be alert to such circumstances and try my best to be friendly regardless of such situations of admonition. On the plus side, I believe I get along with most people I meet and I rarely run into a fluke. They are not worthy of my time if I am not worthy of theirs. I do not want to give off the impression that I interact with people only because I NEED to, but because I WANT to.

6. I will make a difference
    I have missed out on many opportunities in the past. Being nice is a good start. Being informative also helps. Telling the kid at the bus stop that the bus stopped running (no pun intended) an hour ago would have gone a long way. Smiling back at that girl who smiled warmly at me would have made her day as much as it made mine. I will help people in any way possible if I am capable of it. Sometimes it feels good giving yourself up for a great cause. The world does not revolve around me, and I am afraid it doesn't revolve around you either. It revolves around the unison of beings.

7. I will get out of my comfort zone
    You may not be able to teach an old dog new tricks, but you can expose that very same dog to something new. For example your house dog that has never stepped foot outside your house would be bedazzled at how vast and great the outside world is. I am trying to experiment and learn who I really am, day after day, year after year. You would think that after 20 years, I would know myself like the palm of my hand, but no, sadly I am far from that. I will do things to experience 110% of the life that God has given me. I will do things I normally would not do. I will be more outgoing and outreaching. This pretty much ties everything together, as I am tackling things I have not had experience in the past, so I am really pushing myself to new limits that I will just break the threshold of.

Well folks that is my list. I hope I remember my own guidelines and live up to them! Hopefully ya'll have set goals or resolutions to pursue. Take all of your memories and experiences of last year and put them in the back of your mind, good or bad. They no longer matter, it is what's ahead of you that matters and what will shape the year after this.

To a fresh new start and a fantastic semester/year/journey