Tuesday, July 19, 2011

what friends are for

It's been a long time since I have had any free time to myself. Too much has consumed my life, and I would say about 70% of that is dedicated to being around friends (that does not include the typical activities such as sleeping, eating, and breathing). Things should be settling down now since some of the rather bigger planned activities have come and gone. I guess I will kill two birds with one stone, but the two birds are not of equal weight. Here's what I've been up to:

-Bra shopping the the Galleria. It was fun. Me and Steve had great bonding time. We met a very good looking Kazakhstan girl trying to sell skin products. We didn't care and Steve got some cream rubbed on him. Sensually too. We went with two girls for your information.

-I went fishing with my family and had a madly miserable experience. The only thing we achieved was eating dinner in the car on the beach... We did not want to pay the $12 per person since we did not bring our crab nets (the best part by far), so we go to Texas City which is $5 per car. Sad to say, we got all 4 of our fishing lines stuck in between rocks and that was that. We came home empty handed, like most of the other fishers there. Bad, no bites.

-Korean BBQ is so awesome! And it looks like my cousin Natalie will be rolling in some new wheels (bicycle) this semester at UT! I am helping her select the perfect bike for her transportation needs. And her bf Ryan is too cool for words.

-Last week Steve had a birthday dinner which was rather interesting. We went to Grand Lux Cafe and we all stuffed our stomachs full. I had to get a to go box for the second or third time in my entire life! Can you belive that? We had a lot of pastries and then ended the night with some gender biased Taboo. I need not talk much about that night, given the fact that it went splendidly well for the most part, and Steve is an even bigger boy now. We also worked out on our backs and biceps earlier that day (in fact that was the last time I lifted weights).

-I am a bad bowler. I used to be decent for a casual bowler, reaching scores of about 100. Now I can only muster 60! I was the worst out of Steve Hansen and Sophee but I attribute that to my inclination to learn how to curve the ball. Nevertheless I still sucked. We went to Whole Foods earlier that evening and I ate a lot of ahem "samples".

-Me Jenny Steve and Hansen fail at biking. I think we only went one time out of lets say five or six. The only time we went, I got a gnat stuck in my cornea and it was painful beyond tears, as I could not muster any. The other time we were close to going, (We had packed our bikes on my car) a stray cat charmed Jenny, so we burned up an hour, the perfect time allotted for biking, but we end up to plan for Steve's epic 19th birthday party.

-Steve had his birthday party. Guess what happened there? Let's just say Steve was okay and so was I.. we remembered everything too! :)

-Blueberry's are almost out of season, two more weeks and they be gone! My little nephews Travis and Thai are some pretty enduring blueberry pickers! I had a great time visiting them and my cousin in Tyler. The kids are in their Lego and Starwars phase and we had lightsaber fights (even in the dark!) where they also unleashed the force upon me. I died a lot. I am not a Starwars fan, but I shall watch the movies one day... in a time frame far far away... Big props to my cousin Julie for always being hospitable as always.

-LE TOUR DE FRANCE! Omg I am in love with this. Go Shleck brothers! Cavendish for 4 stage wins! Mad props to Hoogerland for gaining polka dot jersey while getting hit by a car and Voekler for still holding yellow! And Griepel for beating Cav and showing his potential! I do not take sides, I just don't want to see Contador win again, but if he does, that means he needs Lady Luck on his side again, and will be an amazing tour! I just like all this excitement that the tour brings this year. And if you are a normal person, you would have probably understood none of what I said. Typical. No feelings hurt. Moving on now..

-Google + is the latest sensation (see what I did there? probably not lol). Let's see how it fairs against Twitter and Facebook. I am also lovin the Sensation 4G (how bout now?) as it is, and hopefully it gets unlocked soon so I can have more fun with it!

-I break many road laws. I never do complete stops at stop signs. All of the U-Turns I make are probably illegal. My radar detector is inaccurate yet I still speed when I feel the need. I try to drift in the car when I am making a sharp turn only to hear a popping sound. I text and change music while I drive. I like to scream loudly when I slam on the gas (well that's not breaking a law, it is just annoying).

-A lot of hanging out with friends can cause "problems", especially if they are just "friends". It leads to my topic of interest for tonight - the value of friendship.

I do not believe in best friends, because if that were the case, who are your worst friends? You can't have the best without the mediocre and the lame ones because if you don't then you don't have best friends! I do believe in true friends though, because false friends also exist; They just want to be your friend to benefit from it in one way or another. Here are some of my observations and thoughts:

-Friendships do not happen overnight. You can't expect me to stay up with someone all night, then expect me to know you inside out. They also do not happen in a day, or a week. It actually depends on what you do but most of the time it is insufficient, just like if you only have 200 minerals and are trying to build a command center (Starcraft reference for the nerds). More time needs to be invested (or perhaps minerals?)

-You can't talk about one subject over and over again until you beat it like a dead horse. If that is all that is tying you together, then it will either die fast, get boring and repetitive. You gotta have more common interests. The new found friendship will quickly die if there is nothing more to be said and done. I might as well join a forum and talk to people there about that one subject.

-Relationships.. you can't jump into those right away, not with me at least! And you should be friends first.. if we are not even friends, it might just not work out. Signs of rush, haste, and lust are all indications of immaturity. Sure you can have a slight pull towards any of those signs, but you gotta know when to hold back and control such actions or emotions. You can't blindly charge a battlefield, especially if that battlefield feels a lot like love (Jordin Sparks reference). It really turns me off if anything. I can still be happy, but it is a lot harder, and I deal with such people differently.

-True Friendships are unbreakable. Whatever you do, whatever you say, you still have each others backs. You don't fight like couples do, especially if it's the same sex (like if I have a true guy friend, we will be chill, and never fight like cats). It is pretty hard to find out who your true friends are, or to even make them happen, but once they are there, it is hard to lose them.

-You don't have to talk/interact with a good friend every single day, hour, second. Life happens, such as college or family, and friends end up spending quality time when permissible. Being with someone for a prolonged period of time helps you get to know them better, but after that, it's okay to go off to other things. Don't fret, cause when you interact once again, your bond will grow even stronger. It's not a relationship, so no one will suffer if there is no interaction for a period of time.

-Close friends are honest and shouldn't lie even if it benefits you. They tell you things they wouldn't tell other friends. They tell you the truth knowing it won't impact the friendship. There is no such thing as telling too much as a good friend always listens and provides some feedback if needed.

All of that being said, how do you know who are your close friends? Certainly you can tell, but sometimes a bit more time is needed to evaluate it. It should all come together rather naturally and it is something YOU should not "test" on purpose just to see what happens or how your friend will react. That is called desperation or something and such a situation where a "test" is necessary will just happen, like a lightning strike in the sky. Perhaps the two value each other's friendship differently, but that is not common, either one of them has high standards or other various infinite complicated reasons. Those friendships tend to be less stable and true, but nevertheless can happen.

Some people say I am too nice, and that is true. Sucks for me! Haha I kid, it's both good and bad, but I think summer's given me a lot of chances to play with this attribute of mine. Sure it is easy to take advantage of me, but it doesn't happen often, and if it does happen, I try my best to make sure it does not happen again. Sometimes I feel pretty evil this summer, and ironically it feels good at the right times and in the right circumstances. Let's see if that changes!

I guess the title is a bit of a misnomer since I didn't really state what friends are for. Or did I? Hmm... actually come to think of it I don't think I did at all. How odd.

If you are reading this now (you probably are not, its 1AM!) you can get a free HTC Sensation 4G online till 3AM online... if you get a new plan. Pretty hot deal I must say. Here is the link (which will probably expire after 3AM today)


My guess is that they want customers before the ATT merger, but don't wanna delve in to deep or else they may lose business. I guess the people who knew about it beforehand would get it.. but you need to be a new customer with 2 year contract. Get it if you can cause its a pretty nice phone, and it isn't even living up to it's full potential due to software limitations!

Anyway that last part was random, I saw that posted up. Looks like it's time to waste more time before I sleep!


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