Thursday, August 11, 2011

beginning of the end

Sigh. Summer flashed by like a blink of an eye. The baking of fresh cookie pie and the rising of bread made of rye, was a dream in the sky. My oh my, I'm not gonna lie, that I did try to comply with my summer moti (using as plural for motives, means fat woman in Hindu apparently). But why, why did that vision go dry? I don't know but I ain't gonna cry. I am a big kid, nothing can fry my alibi that I can't deny. I had ample supply of time that did not justify my eyeing goals.

That was me having a little random fun. I remember I had set some goals at the start of summer, but I did not fulfill them all. Let us see if I can remember them... I maybe had 5 or 6. There was: bike for an absurd amount of miles, read books, write, work on my spanish, clean my house, and I can't remember anything else.. I will look back later I suppose. I didn't bike that much, but I did do an okay amount of running and lifting, thanks to my workout buddies, I could never have done it without yall! I also did not go on any of the Thursday group rides I may have mentioned, so I will make up by doing a hard solo ride tomorrow (I never did a solo ride this summer, so sad). I only read like 3 books.. and I purchased about 20. But, I will spend my week in Waco reading so hopefully I can knock out more books. I have been writing in this blog, but not as much as I wanted, but I will try my best to keep it up during the school year; perhaps an update every so often or when something miraculous or eventful happens. I kinda worked on my Spanish ... at the very beginning of summer, and now at the very end. I can safely say that I got a lot worse, but I still can type it out so that you can understand what I am trying to say. It might just sound so wrong. Like a fob speaking Engrish. I will read that Spanish textbook on my dead week too! And I cleaned my house minute, as always, but it is messy right now because I unpacked some stuff to bring up and I unloaded it in my living room. I also cleaned my car about 6 times, I will clean it again tomorrow. Too bad my parents wont let me bring it.... I will see if I can persuade them to change their minds later.

I had a great summer overall. I got closer with old friends that I was close with before and met some new people. I slept a lot... but I also lost a lot of weight. I think I lost about 17 or so, that was unexpected. That was not one of my goals but I guess it just happened. I might as well keep it off too because I rediscovered my pants in my closet, thanks to Jenny. I found that one garment that I didn't really like in particular, but now, I love it. It fits perfectly. It is funny though, that I was in the range of healthy.. so I hit the highest and lowest limits of the range (I think).

I can't wait for school to start up again, and also can't wait to room with my cousin Guillaume! We will have good bro time, I am sure. I can't wait to see his reaction when he spots me lounging in just boxers, or briefs, or what ever I have on (or off). But then again he is a Frenchie.. I will hopefully not throw any more wild parties since he does not party, so that is good. More study and sober and sleep is good :) I had my fare share of party hardy weekends in Houston anyway, too many to count. Let's just say there were about three or four sober weekends.. but I gotta shout out to Hansen, Steve, Jenny, and Daniel for making it so fun and being excellent company. Hopefully the one tomorrow will be my last until I am 21, since I got it all out of my system now. Plus no one drinks in Waco, we are all Christian. I came back to town thinking I would go to about zero parties but boy I was surprised that there was stuff going on. Guys, studying is fun.

I hope to play more frisbee in Waco. I got back into it... yesterday... and I am craving more! I need to finish finding out the flick.. I am getting there. I wish I had gone to the games earlier this summer.. I had the feeling no one really went (but people did, just later in the summer, like me!) because I went to two of them in the very beginning and only five people would show up. Now about twenty show up! Woot woot. I also felt like I contribute to the team more than usual so that's a plus haha.

I miss my bro Steve as he left almost a week ago, but that's all good cause we will always have each others backs no matter how far apart we are, whether it be 1000 nanometers or 1000 miles. I will also miss Hansen because I might not ever see him again. And I will miss Jenny because she also goes to Cornell with them haha. Just kidding that is not why.

Random: my favorite things this summer were the trip to Austin and cooking with Hansen and Jenny. Best ever things. Both huge successes. Chyeah.

Well that's all for now. It's winding down, and I wish I had the last week here, but I will be glad to head back early to get away from distractions here. Gonna just read and run and ramble. I will make sure it is fun.


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