Sunday, August 21, 2011

ready for the ride

My extended week was awesome. I just hung out with friends and cleaned up around the house and worked on my book I am reading. It wasn't as productive as I thought it would be but it was a great change from what Waco would have been like.. I think I would have died, for real. There would have been no food or friends to accompany me in my daily activities. Instead, I got to play tons of frisbee, shop till I dropped (my wallet too), and lots of catching up with old friends.

I got a new netbook too! It is 1.5 inches bigger than my old one, clocking in at around 11.6 inches. I got a good deal on it .. saved about $110  (yeah I'm a pro shopper remember?) I tried running newer games on it but to no avail. That's good for me though, no video games to worry about -- saves time, money, and my social life :)

This weekend was tax free, so guess what I did? Well yes I did sleep but I shopped too! I think I saved myself a whopping $8... from taxes. Pretty much the only thing I paid full price for was this white belt because I lost my old one, and I really really liked it. This one doesn't compare at all but it will do for now; it's so hard to find a good white belt! (Well you can search Taekwondo...) and I just scored a steal on some Gap v-necks and Express polo's and on this weird grey sweater (it is a girls XL) that looks good and fits. I wanted shoes but I didn't seek any. Oh well I was lazy for that. I would like to thank Ruyi for her Express coupon code and her fashion suggestions. I got myself into CD's again.. I got John Mayer's Continuum Special 2 set CD at Borders (so sad it's closing), and omg 320 kb/s is pretty much music to my ears. I wish I had a cd player for that reason, but my car stereo reproduces the sound well enough.

I can't wait for school to start at last, it's been too long! And I'm ready to make new classmates and friends. This is the first year I am starting on a clean slate (Girlfriend's really hold you back). And I will have my cousin there with me and hopefully we chill a lot. He seems to want to be more active around campus as well. I think I will be learning a lot of photography from him since that is his passion. Who knows, maybe he will gain a good 2 lbs. of muscle too. Can't wait till Late Night at SLC! That's always fun and crowded. Ya I kinda miss the campus life even if it is Baylor.

Well I am spending a night with my cousin so I can go back up to Waco bright and early tomorrow. I guess I shall find textbooks and settle in and map out my schedule then. I kinda wish we started on Wednesday but it is what it is. Cheers to a new school year!


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