Wednesday, August 24, 2011

mm this is good

School as finally started and we are three days in.. how fast is that? I think it is too fast. My guess is, before we know it, we will be studying for our first wave of exams! But I already know it, as I am working on that right NOW! Yeah I learned some valuable lessons over the summer break. One important one is to be on top of your game. You can not let anything slip behind. How did I learn that over summer break? By being academically deprived (for the second half at least) which made me look forward to going back to school (and for other reasons such as independence and engagement in the "real world" of some sorts). Too bad I have two books in transit from UPS... gosh their service is the worst in Waco! I am already behind in those classes, but I wont fret because it is just the beginning basics.

I have come to liken my environment. Nowadays, I am patiently sitting in my room, reading, studying, or just conversing and cooking with my cousin. Cool? You bet. Forget the library, where I never got anything done. Forget the time wasted on the computer doing meaningless things (blogging is not meaningless I hope, it is stress relief and a kind break from life). Forget the naps that I don't really need (umm actually I overslept today, took a two hour nap on accident! Maybe I really did need it..). But it's only the first week and I plan to become more involved with campus life.. that is something I haven't really gotten to do. Perhaps I will actually seek out some eye popping organizations that I can mutually benefit from and meet more people.

There are two new things I have come to enjoy a lot. Cooking is one of them. I am proud to say that I ditched that over priced, fat-filled meal plan and opted to cook most of my meals at home. So far, so good, as I have cooked each of my dinners in Waco, all four of them. It is simple really, but that is only because I am simple to cook for. I eat everything. (That is also why I gained a lot of weight with the meal plan -- I ate everything. I ate about 2-4 plates for dinner each time. Boy was my metabolism hurting. Nowadays, it flies.) My main ingredient is chicken. It is lean, cheap, and filling. What more do you need? Okay fine, it tastes good (well I may be biased but I make it taste good). Pair that with salad and a ton of vegetables of your liking, you got yourself a yummy lunch or dinner or even both! You can change it up too by adding rice or pasta or bread or any carb of your liking.

Exercising is the other. Over the summer, I tried (not my best) to stay fit and trim down and low and behold I saw some results. I plan to hit the gym every single smoking day. Maybe more than once a day. Will I over work my body? I don't think so. So far I feel great with a good, hour long work out each day. Maybe I will leave it at that. I have set up a schedule so I can have certain days to do work out A and work out B with rest day C (cardio). I should do that for studying too while I am at it. Over the course of this semester, I will try my best to keep in top shape, both in the gym and in the classrooms.

Okay I must also admit, I really enjoy rooming with my cousin Guillaume. This guy is awesome. We get along like caterpillars transforming into cocoons which in turn, evolve into butterflies, which flutter beautifully in the mid summer night. Okay maybe not in THAT sense.. but perhaps we get along like peanut butter and jelly in whole wheat bread (because we are not processed). It makes it sound like I haven't met him before, and I have obviously -- I see him every week of the year. But now, I get to see him almost every waking hour. Not really, but enough to make me decide if I he is a great family member or not. Haha I kid, he is awesome and will be a key in my success here this year.

So that's all I needed to take a break from my studies. Time to hit them up once more, then crash in my awesome bed, which is located in my awesome room, that is accompanied by my awesome self. Okay I just laughed at myself just now because I never ever ever ever (Justin Bieber reference) flatter myself. It feels very weird and of course I don't mean it!!


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