Well the first thing that I remember happening was getting ripped off. I went to Cici's pizza with my family for my dad for fathers day and they had a deal where dad's eat "free". The catch that we did not know, nor did they advertise the day before, is that you have to buy 2 sodas, and they cost $1.99 each! A meal costs $5.49. We never never buy soda's when we eat out, and now we are forced to to get a "free" meal. That was so lame. I just ate a lot of salad to make up for any losses or foolishness.
So if you recall my post about smart phones, I actually got one. I guess I wrote that assuming my parents would not get me one. There was a deal where you get free data for one year ($120 value) so I randomly asked my mom if we could upgrade our family plan. Surprisingly my parents agreed after a bit of discussion. I was like wow I am so shocked! I didn't really think I would get one really... so I don't take it for granted. I got the Sensation 4g that just came out about a week ago and so far so good. Too bad I still use an ipod for music.. I didn't get used to the music player on the phone. I don't take back what I said, but if I were paying for everything, I doubt I would have gone for it anyway. If you think about the true value of owning a smart phone, its a pretty hefty price tag.. Over $1000 for the 2 years. There is more to this story.. I called the T-mobile representatives and they upgraded my plan then and there. There was a deal online that had a free phone if you renewed online or something that I don't even know how to qualify for, and I didn't get it, and my mom was pretty mad. After talking to sales reps and everything, we were just like screw that let's just get new phones..
Before all of that ripping off business, I actually got a smartphone at a 3rd party reseller. And what do you know, I got ripped off. These people who barely speak English (well I exaggerate) tell me that they are brand new and work fine, and I have no earthly clue why I got one. I paid $200 for it and then it had a minor issue, they did not allow refunds (when they told me I got return it within 30 days) and they swapped it with one that had a cosmetic flaw on it.. ugh I learned my lesson and will resell the phone.
And before all of that ripping off business, I went to the movies with Jenny Steve and Hansen and saw Super 8 and Bridesmaids. The first one was bad. Don't watch it its like a grown up ET. The second one was funny though but I already forgot what it was about.... But it was good. Then we eat at Whataburger and Jenny surprises us with a carefully crafted articulate piece of music. It was in F major. Think about what the F could stand for.. there was decent vibrato. That is all I am saying about that subject matter.
This story is sad. If you absolutely love animals, then you should skip this paragraph. If you are made of brave soul, you can read if you'd like. My English teacher told us a story. In class we are learning about evil, during the Dark Romantic period. Authors include Poe and Hawthorne and Melville. 20 years ago my teacher was getting his degree, and had to share an office with a philosophy guy. Guess what he was studying? Evil. He seemed normal and all... until one day he tells my teacher that in order to understand evil, he has to commit an act of evil. So the philosophy guy tells him that he will kill his neighbors dog, who is the only companion of the grandmother. My teacher was flabbergasted and did not know what to do. He called the secretary to get the guys address and went to his house in the afternoon. He was warmly welcomed in and saw a huge knife on the table. My teacher pleaded him to let the dog live and the guy said that he must do it to know what evil is. Then my teacher burst into tears and cried like he had never cried before. Then the guy did not kill the dog. On the contrary, my friend Griscel and her twin Bridget had 4 cats. They also have a Nigerian neighbor who abhors cats. The twins witnessed a cat killing at the Nigerians house. The neighborhood used to have a plethora of cats, but now its like a ghost town. Apparently she killed them all. Now the twins only have one cat left. That is so wrong. Something needs to be done.
I would delve into a discussion about evil, but I might now have the allotted time to do so. It is an interesting topic. There is an evil inside all of us, just some of us have less than others. And well.. I leave you off with a question. Did God create evil? Hmm....
Recently, I have met 2 people who went to my highschool. I knew of them but haven't talked to them before, nor have I formally met them. To my surprise, they are both Asian girls. But its weird, apparently one of them, whose name is Sally, is heavily turned on by Spanish. So I try it out and BAM it was like magic. Speaking Spanish to a fellow Asian felt funny, and what was even more funny was ... well I would rather not say haha! I leave that to your imagination but it was very interestingly fun.
Now I have to prepare to go to a birthday party, where I shall commit an act of evil. Just kidding!! ;p
I hope you liked what you heard about my life! If not, I will make it interesting next time so you will be on the edge of your seats.
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