Tuesday, June 14, 2011

parents and their ways

I have decided to be ambitious and talk about parenting.

I am not a parent but I have to deal with them each and every day, even when I am off at college.
But more importantly, I deal with them each and every second while I am back at home.
What was what I thought a typical blog entry turned into a poem without a rhythm or beat. It is just ABAB rhymes. Please don't judge my poetry skills as this is the first poem I have written in... well it feels like this is the first poem I have ever written because it has been that long! I am not mad with my parents, it is just that they ask too much sometimes. They care too much, and they always think they are right. Oh right, they are Asian.

They think its okay have absolute authority over us,
And that it is perfectly fine to pretend to trust,
That we clean the house that shelters our hearts,
Or wash the dishes that is piled in the carts.
How dare they make consecutive phone calls,
Just to command us to clean the bathroom stalls.
Day after day, night after night,
They stay up in their bed with a seemingly fright,
That we will for some reason not return
And in their memories our souls will burn.
Can they just let go for one single moment?
And give us some play time like a miniature rodent?
To occupy themselves in their passionate pass times,
While we do our best to stay out of city crimes?
We are adults who can care for ourselves,
Can you see our child hood toys, stuffed on the shelves?
Do not be blind by your prowess, o mother and father,
As we all know we wish to be free of your bother,
Take a chance and let us live a little,
For what its worth, I'd rather not our relationship be brittle.


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